Author Archives: Carlanne
Seasonal Fresh Peach and Walnut Coffee Cake
In this recipe, it is always best if you can use fresh from the farmer’s market peaches. If they are pretty young, you can let them ripen on your countertop until the skin peels away easily. No need to use … Continue reading
To carbonate, or not to carbonate – that is the question?
I have resisted purchasing a carbonator machine for many years. I went to Los Cabo in 2009 and was fascinated by a carbonated margarita served at the Las Ventanas Hotel. I came back and found a ISI Soda Siphon which I … Continue reading
New info on food that hurts or rarely helps
The title says it all….. Every time I turn around there is new information (that is sometimes old information) about our eating as it relates to our health. Back in the “old” days, there was good nutrition and sound eating habits. … Continue reading
Food Sharing versus Food Waste Composting
I am not a radical in the food world. However, I do have strong opinions. This whole food composting, politically-correct idea is a bit off-putting for me. I know there are things that are appropriate to composting – rinds and peelings of … Continue reading
Cornbread Muffins – made with real corn
Traditional cornbread muffins are made with cornmeal. However, if you don’t have cornmeal on hand or prefer fresh corn, you can still make cornbread muffins. This recipe is easy to make and the results are delicious. I’ve made them with whole wheat … Continue reading